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 Wahoos 15-18U tryouts

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Wahoos Baseball Posted - 07/19/2024 : 17:26:12
Wahoos Baseball will be having a private tryout on July 23rd at 6:30 @ Titans Sports Academy

At Wahoos Baseball, our passion is not just about playing the game; it's about shaping young men to succeed both on and off the field. Our program is built for those who are hungry to improve, for the players who are often overlooked yet possess the drive to achieve their dreams. Our approach is straightforward: opportunities are earned, not given.

Here's how we make our vision a reality for players aged 14-18U.

Exclusive Training Facilities: Access to an indoor facility available 24/7.

Competitive Play: Participation in prestigious PG and PBR tournaments, offering the exposure and competition needed to grow.

Proven Success: With 20 college commits in the past 3 years (25 based on PG, discounting 5 pickups for transparency), our track record speaks for itself.

To register for the tryout

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