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 6U General Discussion
 5U and 6U baseball openings to join our team

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NHBombers Posted - 11/04/2021 : 10:12:15
This is an open practice for 5U and 6U kids. We are looking to fill our teams with kids that want to play and are focused on being better baseball players. As coaches our focus is on teaching the fundamentals of the game and coaching the kids to be better all around players and us growing as a whole with each season and tournament we complete. The practice will be November 20th and 2pm-5pm. Please reach out to me on here with any other questions you have. It will be at New Hope Baseball park in Dallas, Ga. look forward to seeing everyone come out. We will have 7-10 openings between the 2 teams.

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