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 Baseball Bat & Glove Donations?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lf1 Posted - 08/12/2022 : 20:14:24
Our family is looking into starting a donation program to collect used bats and gloves. These donations would be shipped to Turn Two For Youth to be donated to kids in need.

We want to give back to this great sport and teach our son how to help others. Please respond to this post if you may be interested in donating used bats and gloves that are sitting around going unused.

You don’t have to commit your donations now. We’re just trying to figure out how much interest we’d have if we start a donation program. It seems like a lot of people have donations. We’ll probably have drop off locations on different weekends if we have enough people from different areas wanting to donate.

Thanks for reading!

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