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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gabbdad24 Posted - 02/21/2020 : 11:05:35
As the 2020 season is about to get underway, any thoughts on the top teams around Atlanta? Lots of movement, new teams I've never heard of, and bigger fields so only time will really tell, but curious on thoughts going into the season. It's just for fun and I know I'm missing some, so put your list out. Here's a start.

Astros Orange
BigStix Gamers
Meridian Panthers
Devine Baseball (former Dacula Elite?)
Canes (former W. Ga Warriors?)
643 Cougars
Double Plays

Does anyone know anything about Ga Gwinnett Ballers - where the kids are mostly from?

Obviously SGSA and 5 Star National are up near the top in the state and Excel Blue Wave is tough, but they don't play around Atl as much so I left them off my list for now.

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