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 ***Chris Bootcheck Arm-Care Clinic***

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Precision Baseball Posted - 10/04/2022 : 14:50:05
Chris Bootcheck, Former Major League pitcher, and former Div 1 pitching coach will be holding his 5th annual arm-care clinic EVERY Saturday in October from 10:30 am-1:30 pm at Precision Baseball [1865 Grassland Pkwy, Alpharetta, Ga, 30004].

The clinic is designed to aid players and parents about the critical parts of warm-up, offseason arm programs as well as in season arm care. We will also be covering proper warm-ups as well as utilize recovery devices currently used by all 30 MLB teams!!

When: October 1st, 8th, 15th,22nd, 29th

Time: 10:30 am- 1:30 pm

Where: Precision Baseball Indoor Facility
1865 Grassland Pkwy
Alpharetta, Ga 30004

Cost: $75/ session or 1-time payment of $275

To RSVP call (678) 585-3100

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