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 10U Players Looking for Teams
 Good AA pitcher catcher hitter looking for team

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kcrofty69 Posted - 03/17/2022 : 21:54:47
Looking for a A or AA team to get out of rec ball. Good player with speed and knowledge. Pitches, catches and solid batter.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
RangersBB Posted - 12/16/2022 : 14:48:51
I'm a little late to the party, but if you are still looking please reach out to me at 678-910-2218 or bigfish1277@bellsouth.net. The Rangers 10U is looking for another player. We are based in the Gainesville area.
GHeggie23 Posted - 07/27/2022 : 14:55:54
Are you still looking for a team? Canes 10u out of Carrollton are looking for one more player. Please reach out at 404-431-4860 for more information or to schedule a private tryout.
rambum Posted - 07/14/2022 : 16:48:05
Did you guys ever find a team last year? We are having a tryout at Pinckneyville Park this Saturday from 10-12 for the Norcross 11U team. Feel free to give me a call at 678-592-2470 or email me at michaelrambusch@comcast.net if you'd like to more.

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