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 12u player looking for a team

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mr.e Posted - 03/27/2023 : 19:27:58
I have 12u player in Alpharetta area, will commute looking to tryout for a summer team
Please any referrals would be appreciated he wants to play
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AviatorbaseballTrey13 Posted - 08/29/2023 : 01:13:51

My name is Trey Leonard and I am the head coach of a 13u avaiators travel team here in Atlanta! Before moving here, I played college baseball at Louisville and Troy as a grad transfer!

Our facility is Boggs baseball academy located at
710 Morgan falls rd

I am looking to fill my last remaining spots before the fall tournaments!

And our outdoor field is at Sewell mill baptist church

We are all major tournaments at east cobb baseball fields. In the fall we play Sunday only tournaments and in the spring we are looking at 8-10. Thank you and let me know if you would like any more information. Have a great rest of your day!
Coach Justin Posted - 04/25/2023 : 13:33:12
Im coach Justin from Georgia Flames baseball. we are starting a new 12u team based out of Powder springs. If you have not found a team yet email us at georgiaflamesbaseball@outlook.com

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