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T O P I C    R E V I E W
stanlewis Posted - 02/24/2010 : 09:35:26
Just a few reminders about posting.

Please do not indirectly identify a player by using initials, uniform number, etc. Especially if it involves a mistake. I know many of you think that parents should not allow players to read the forums, but in reality they do.

If you disagree with someone, state your position without resorting to attacking the person you disagree with. Try to maintain a civil debate.

Postings regarding teams breaking up, coaching changes, players leaving, etc will not be posted unless they are independently validated. A lot of the posts turn out to be accurate, but there have been many cases where someone has started or attempted to start a rumor in the hopes of breaking up a team, running a player or coach off, etc. Usually it is in retaliation to some dispute.

If you have an event you are promoting, market the positives of your event not the negatives of a competing event.

If you put a link in your post, use the preview option and verify that it works. All links have to be checked before approval because of attempts to put links to sites that contain inappropriate content. Sometimes posts have been removed because of links to sites with inappropriate advertising.

Sometimes posts will take time to be moderated because something in them needs to be verified or something isn't correct and it is left for you to edit.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
stanlewis Posted - 03/03/2010 : 14:38:02
I will be glad when the weather warms up and some of this pent up energy can be spent outside and on the ball fields. It is taking longer to moderate posts because of attempts to slip things through. I even get emails requesting to let everyone have at it and fight it out, "no holds barred".

These forums are for the civil discourse of youth baseball. They aren't about retaliation against a team, coach, player or parent. And yes sometimes people exaggerate their side of the story, but the resolution is not to attack them. State your side of the story without an emphasis on editorializing the other sides position. I have mediated many disputes in my career and there is always 3 sides to a story. Side A, Side B and the Truth (which sometimes is never determined). Any of us that have been around youth sports for any period of time have witnessed the viciousness that can occur.

In the community that frequents this forum, there is tremendous baseball knowledge. I have gotten emails from people where the information found here has given them the ability to step into the world of travel baseball. There are many kids playing travel ball now that would not be playing as competively or at all if it weren't for you. There are players still playing because they found information and resources here to improve their game. If the forum wasn't moderately civil, there would be less pure baseball and we would have run these people away from travel ball instead of joining us and enjoying some of the best times of our lives. We will never know, but there probably will be players playing high school, college and professional ball because of what you have contributed here. The only reason I do this is to keep kids playing baseball, so help me out and those of you that are a little more spirited in your words check to see if you are spending more time presenting your case or more time disputing someone else.

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