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 Kenesaw/Remix Showdown

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Thebeastofbaseball7 Posted - 05/29/2019 : 11:48:36
Gentlemen- I think it’s time these 2 played it out like Big boys do!

I would imagine quite a few unknown users of this site will have something to say-

Let’s hear it?

I would to start a collection from those who attend this showdown to pay for umps. I will provide field

I suggest best of 3 games a double header and if needed we can coordinate the tiebreaker .

I think a weeknight at a location that is about midway point of both teams

Here is the post I put on Facebook- I have no idea where I put it
Kenesaw- you know I really think the world of some of your kids! And think you guys have a great team! I also feel the same about Remix. However, it seems that you guys are going to take the top rank in GA ()- it should be settled on the field! All season long I have heard the banter -So I think its time Kenesaw and Remix got together and played for bragging rights
I think best of 3 series-I will locate a field and a set of umps - we will take a collection from all the interested parties
I am going to post this on the NG site as well!
If Kenesaw takes it - I will respect the K if Remix wins everyone will give the respect of the K
Throw down Boogie style !!

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