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 TEAM 360 BASEBALL Head/Assistant coaches NEEDED!!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Team 360 Baseball Posted - 06/25/2014 : 09:51:26
Team 360 baseball LLC is looking for great head and assistant coaches for their 2014-2015 travel ball season. The fall season starts August-November 2014, Spring season starts January- May 2015, and summer season starts May- July 2015. Age groups for coaching will be from 11u-18u. Our practices are near the Duluth/Suwanee/Buford, Ga area. Please see below for coaching criteria needed:

- Committed
- High level of Baseball IQ
-Ability to throw quality Batting Practice
-Ability to hit quality fungo
- Able to travel to tournaments and practices near the north and Middle Georgia area

Most of all Team 360 is looking for high spirited coaches who love the game of baseball. We are a CHRISTIAN based organization who loves to develop young athletes. If you are interested Please give Jojo Batten a call at404-671-2828


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