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 RESULTS: Hobgood Memorial Day Warm-Up All-Star

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TrainingLegends Posted - 05/30/2016 : 15:17:43
Congratulations to the Champions and Runner-ups of the Hobgood Memorial Day Warm-Up All-Star Tournament

5u - A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Champion: Canton Stingers
Runner-up: East Side Thunder

6u - A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Champion: Canton Stingers
Runner-up: Hobgood Heat

6u - B/C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Champion: Ocee Black
Runner-up: Hobgood Storm

The All Star competitiors were great throughout the tournament. The above teams are recognized as the best players of the Hobgood Memorial Day Warm-Up All-Star

Thank you to everyone that came out to support all the teams throughout the tournament play. We look forward to seeing you at the next tournament, the Training Legends All Star World Series - 7/6-10

Click on the link to see information on the upcoming tournaments: www.traininglegends.com/tournaments/

Tournament Powered by: Training Legends - www.traininglegends.com

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