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Big Daddy

132 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2012 :  18:34:01  Show Profile
It's been 3 days since the last post for this age group after a great Super NIT! What's up with that! All the other age groups are packed with talk but not 10u. Hey Steel-Will, mix it up or Memphis, take a shot at some unsuspecting team! This is disappointing!

Doe Commander

7 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2012 :  21:58:06  Show Profile
Everyone is too excited about turkey season opening tomorrow ....
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252 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2012 :  22:19:44  Show Profile
In 10AA alot of us getting ready for this w/e's tourneys. We had good SNIT, but a liitle disappointed by the third place finish. Had best scoring and best differential , but fell a little short. I think alot of people think there will be some movement aound the first of the month when teams get frozen, and just kind of waiting it out.
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Hobgood 1

78 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2012 :  23:05:03  Show Profile
I will tell you why this board is so quiet. We have so much talent in this age group it is just divided pretty evenly among the major teams instead of all the best players going to one team and dominating. There are to many parents with ego's that can't handle there son being a one of the players on a great team . Instead they can be on a average team and be the stud. Check out the 13u ga Bandits if you want to see a example of how great a team can be if the parents just let the boys play ball
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50 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2012 :  09:27:18  Show Profile
Please explain further. I'm not clear on what you're saying here.

Are you advocating stacking 3 or 4 teams with all the top talent, or having parity amongst a dozen or so very good teams? Is the goal at 10u to win every single baseball game or develop skills and enjoy participating with our kids and spending another season with friends and people we like to associate with?
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252 Posts

Posted - 03/26/2012 :  18:56:44  Show Profile
Ok, still no chatter after Ga / Fla Showdowns... come on... Did number one qualifier turn down the entry? Noticed they aren't listed in the tourney.
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143 Posts

Posted - 03/26/2012 :  21:48:38  Show Profile
North GA Renegades are working hard before we give it our best at the Gulf Shores Super NIT this coming weekend. We hated to drop out of the Florence tourney, but had to give the Elite 32 berth another run.

Good luck to everyone this coming weekend, wherever you're playing!!!
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252 Posts

Posted - 03/26/2012 :  23:25:26  Show Profile
Good luck to you Phattso, Im sure yall will do fine. Be careful around the water, stay safe. We play 10AA ball but keep up with all groups, youve got a good group from what Ive seen. We're taking the next 2 Weeks off after playing 4 weeks straight. The boys earned it with 2 third place finishes that included the SNIT and a win his past w/e in the NGa NIT. We are taking spring break off, then a couple of tourneys getting ready to go to Alabama for their SNIT in May.

Edited by - Mad1 on 03/27/2012 08:06:59
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143 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2012 :  12:51:09  Show Profile
After looking at the teams registered for this weekends trnmt in Gulf Shores, my prediction is the Renegades will take this and make it to the Elite 32. Braves have a shot, but can they go 4 for 5 in the first 5 weeks of the season? Good luck to everyone.
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86 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2012 :  14:36:32  Show Profile
I agree that Renegades should win it this weekend. Actually, with their additions from last year I was expecting them to have won at least one tournament by now. I would expect the Braves to be right there until the end since they just keep winning this year.

Originally posted by Hobnailboot

After looking at the teams registered for this weekends trnmt in Gulf Shores, my prediction is the Renegades will take this and make it to the Elite 32. Braves have a shot, but can they go 4 for 5 in the first 5 weeks of the season? Good luck to everyone.

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53 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2012 :  15:09:03  Show Profile
Thanks for the "props" guys. Memphis, we have just been pacing ourselves. Don't want to blow our wad too early in the season! Just kidding. I hope you guys are right. We have been working hard since the SNIT in Atlanta and had a well deserved weekend off last weekend. There are some tough teams in the tournament in Gulf Shores this weekend, and some we know nothing about. The Braves have been our nemesis (sp?) so far this year. Wouldn't mind another shot at them though. We are going to give it all we got and hope to come home victorious, and prepare for Disney.
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86 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2012 :  15:24:47  Show Profile
I just noticed that Signature Park and the Atlanta Blue Jays will also be in the S-NIT. SP has been very tough this year and the Blue Jays have a decent team.

Originally posted by Renegade1

Thanks for the "props" guys. Memphis, we have just been pacing ourselves. Don't want to blow our wad too early in the season! Just kidding. I hope you guys are right. We have been working hard since the SNIT in Atlanta and had a well deserved weekend off last weekend. There are some tough teams in the tournament in Gulf Shores this weekend, and some we know nothing about. The Braves have been our nemesis (sp?) so far this year. Wouldn't mind another shot at them though. We are going to give it all we got and hope to come home victorious, and prepare for Disney.

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143 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2012 :  15:54:54  Show Profile
Strong teams this weekend for sure....would be nice to see an all GA final come out of this one. Can't wait to see the pool games announced. Blue Jays had the house rocking on Sunday over in Social Circle and I fully expect them to be there deep into Sunday...but as we all know, depth is the key. Anyone know anything about the non-Georgia teams in this one?
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Big Daddy

132 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2012 :  16:16:38  Show Profile
Mayhem Elite is a tough out, that's for sure.
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29 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2012 :  16:37:04  Show Profile
Should be a great weekend for ball down in Gulf Shores. Gotta keep boys focused on ball and not beach and Spring Break looming following the tourney.

Would love to see all GA in semi's and finals!

Safe travels to all. See you down there.
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53 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2012 :  20:02:15  Show Profile
How about a schedule some time soon????!!!!!!!!
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1074 Posts

Posted - 03/28/2012 :  15:54:45  Show Profile
Renegade, I'll see you in Orange Beach. When are you guys leaving?

Coach Shuler - SP Titans
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17 Posts

Posted - 03/28/2012 :  20:27:45  Show Profile
Good luck to all the Georgia teams, hopefully we will be able to bring another SNIT championship to GA!
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1074 Posts

Posted - 03/29/2012 :  09:39:57  Show Profile
Thanks GoBlue, we are definitely going to see if we can bring the trophy up I-85.
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11 Posts

Posted - 04/02/2012 :  09:20:09  Show Profile
Looks like there were some good showings from GA teams this weekend. EC Braves seemed to have handled business pretty well in Gulf Shores SNIT. Also looks like the Buzz (Another GA Team) is get back on the radar by taking the Ship back to GA from the Southeastern Elite in Florence, AL. I saw this tournament getting some hype on travel ball select and seemed to have some very talented Major teams on the schedule. Great job GA baseball!
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1074 Posts

Posted - 04/03/2012 :  12:51:30  Show Profile
DBLPlay, we (SP Titans) had a great chance in the Gulf Shores Super NIT but had a huge call in the game go against us. The ump said that I touched a kid coming around 3rd base and called him out. That puts us up 2-1 in a game that we ended up losing 2-1 to the Mayhem Elite on a bleeder between short and 3rd...with two outs in the bottom of the sixth inning I might add. Let's just say that I have not been impressed with the umpiring so far this year.
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11 Posts

Posted - 04/03/2012 :  16:44:38  Show Profile
Originally posted by hshuler

DBLPlay, we (SP Titans) had a great chance in the Gulf Shores Super NIT but had a huge call in the game go against us. The ump said that I touched a kid coming around 3rd base and called him out. That puts us up 2-1 in a game that we ended up losing 2-1 to the Mayhem Elite on a bleeder between short and 3rd...with two outs in the bottom of the sixth inning I might add. Let's just say that I have not been impressed with the umpiring so far this year.

hshuler, i am assuming that since you are harping on the boys in blue that you didn't touch your runner...if that's the case then that is unfortunate for you guys especially on a well played 2-1 game with a team like Mayhem Elite. I have heard very good things on your team and wasn't discrediting any of the temas in Gulf Shores SNIT as there were tons of talent there. I was only giving props to the two GA Teams that brought it home this past weekend. There are too many super talented teams in this great state to mention on one post. I noticed huge wins by the Braves and Buzz online and wanted to give props to them. Keep up the good work with SP Titans and by all means...keep your hands off your runners..haha
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1074 Posts

Posted - 04/03/2012 :  21:45:15  Show Profile
DP, I understand totally and wasn't jockeying for any props. I kind of like flying under the radar...lol. The Braves have a great team and they deserved to bring the trophy home to GA. I did see that Buzz won the trophy in Florence and I'm also happy that GA represented the state very well in both tourneys. Thanks for the compliment and in the future I will definitely keep my hands off of the runners that I didn't touch. :-)
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118 Posts

Posted - 04/03/2012 :  23:07:06  Show Profile
Just chiming in on this one, and I may be wrong, but I think base coaches can touch the runner (high five on a homerun, for example). I think the rule says that you can't - in the umpire's judgement - physically assist the runner. It's supposed to be pretty blatant for them to call that one.
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1074 Posts

Posted - 04/04/2012 :  10:12:35  Show Profile
That's my point exactly! I'm 6'5" (and wayyyy too many pounds to name publicly) and if my player would have run into me it would have impeded progress not assisted him. As a matt of fact, I jumped with my back towards him to avoid a collision. You just don't meet too many umps who would like to remain anonymous during the game. Not all, but many of them are just far too overzealous. That guy was looking for something to call.

In the Atlanta Super NIT we had an ump behind the plate that looked every bit of 12 yrs-old. One of my kids barely swung and he called a strike. I asked if he called a strike on the pitch or the swing. He said, he offered Coach. I said excuse me. He said, he offered like a bunt. I am not making this up...and had to literally beg him to ask the first base ump who promptly said he didn't go. You would think that in an elimination game we could get someone who at least knows what a check swing is...GEEZ! Ok, that's my morning rant. LOL!
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