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Posted - 11/28/2018 :  13:19:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am a parent and assistant coach at a feeder program. Having been a high school football and wrestling coach, I found it critical to my success as a program to be involved heavily with our youth programs. In football, assistant coaches volunteered time to go to practices to meet the coaches and we asked that they ran some of our plays. The middle school programs ran everything the same. For wrestling, it was even bigger as we were able to start teaching our system early. That has begun paying dividends as some of those kids are now in high school and are excelling. Our feeder program's high school does absolutely nothing with us. There are no special events involving the younger kids with the Varsity nor are there any real perks to the program. How do you get the high school to be involved? Conversely, what would you expect as a high school coach from your feeder program in terms of involvement with the high school program?

Jr Chiefs Baseball Club

98 Posts

Posted - 12/10/2018 :  09:30:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is tough but it starts by having a strong "feeder" program that has purpose. This will allow you to approach the varsity coach and have a meaningful discussion. Also keep in mind most high school budgets for baseball are non-existent and staff is sometime difficult to procure. Consider also the additional burden an unstructured feeder program can create for the varsity coach. The best advice I can give is to do some research, reach out to the coach and get a dialogue started as it will take some time to get a good footing and relationship built.
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Grizzly Baseball Academy

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Posted - 01/08/2019 :  09:23:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Parents and Coaches, My name is Jeff Moyer and I am an assistant baseball coach at Georgia Gwinnett College in Lawrenceville, GA. Our Head coach and myself have teamed up with pro scouts, AD's and Dugout club presidents to solve just this problem. We have created an organization called Game Time Leagues where we provide off season leagues for high school sports as well as a 7th and 8th grade feeder system where teams play under their HS umbrella. Each of our leagues feeds into one another 7th -> 8th -> Rising Freshman summer League and then into our fall high school programs where we have a JV division and a Varsity Division. each season consists of 20 game regular season league schedule followed by a championship tournament to decide a league champion. We have opportunities for fundraising and hiring coaches for your respective teams. If you are interested in hearing more about this opportunity that will begin in April please contact me below

Jeff Moyer
Recruiting Coordinator
Georgia Gwinnett College
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